Joe Rogan Book Club

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Placebocracy: "A system of governance whereby a state likely a devolving democracy its institutions and codependent private sector entities introduces ineffective mechanisms overtly designed to manage public frustrations in lieu of resolving actual political, economic, and sociocultural problems."
I love listening to the Joe Rogan Experience as much as the
next American male, and to say that we share a wide overlap of mutual interests
is an understatement. I tend to have liked pretty much every book Joe Rogan has
recommended on the JRE podcast.
If you like listening to the Joe Rogan Experience podcast, then you have certainly heard Bryan Callen on an episode or two. Recently, Callen was on the JRE podcast and highly recommended this book to people with children. And he is right on the money with this one.
If you love the Joe Rogan Experience podcast, then you have surely heard him talk about this book he read and really enjoyed. In fact, the topic has become one of his re-occurring themes as of late, and has branched into an area of history that Rogan seems to want to learn more about in the future.
I found the author Jim Harrison because the movie Legends of the Fall was such a fantastic film. If you haven’t seen it, then you owe yourself the treat. It is truly a classic, epic American film. As usual, if I see a great film, I do a little research and try to find out if the movie was based on a novel—even loosely. Luckily for us all, it was.
When you think of the best literary work of Joseph Conrad, it is easy to default to the novel he is most notable for: Heart of Darkness. But I would argue that there is a book that is even better, and more epic in length, scale and message. If you have not yet read a novel by COnrad, or want to expand beyond the famous Heart of Darkness, then check this great novel out!
I recently watched True Detectives (season 1) and really liked the dark, brooding and pessimistic philosophy of the character Rustin “Rust” Cohle, a detective played by Mathew McConaughey. If you haven’t seen the series, it is well worth it to watch the first season. If you have already seen it but want to see the highlights of Rustin’s life philosophy, then check out the Youtube video of the best parts.
We all love Californication and the endearing Hank Moody. And even the casual fan knows it was his debut novel God Hates US All that catapulted his career and stardom, and ultimately doomed his relationship with Karen. But did you know you can now read it yourself?
Atlas Shrugged is one of those novels that many folks are always wanting to read, but never get around to actually doing so. Probably because the book is well over 1,000 pages of sometimes dense ramblings. But that doesn’t mean people should not read it, or not understand the very relevant political and philosophical message Ayn Rand was trying to convey. Here’s how to do it 10x faster!
Usually when I see a good movie I check to see if it was a novel before. If I’m lucky, then it was. Because let’s face it—if a movie is good and was based on a book, then chances are the novel-form is better. There are exceptions of course, but it’s just too difficult to boil a great book into a 2-hour movie and still capture all the nuance that made the novel so good.
There is an episode in season two of Ozarks where Wyatt and Charlotte are in a used book store and Wyatt comes across a vintage copy of his favorite novel. But it’s expensive and he can’t buy it. SO Charlotte steals it when he isn’t looking. What was Wyatt’s Favorite book from Ozarks?
When I first saw the trailer for Hunter Killer, I knew I wanted to watch it. Those are the types of movies I really enjoy. I’m a man of simple pleasures, I guess. I also thought it may have been based on a book, so I did some research on the production of the movie and found that it was, indeed, based on a novel called Firing Point, which was published in 2012.
TEOTWAWKI: The End of The World As We Know It. When it comes to books written about the collapse of American society, there are some real gems amongst the fodder. Less popular than the EMP fiction and Post-Apocalypse Zombie novels, the Societal Collapse novels are…
The Essential Guide To The Flashman Papers: If you ever wondered what the opposite of James Bond might look like, George MacDonald Fraser's Harry Flashman might be a good character to look at: while superficially a heroic individual of great charm, Flashman is actually a coward and a cad and is unrepentant about these qualities.
If you haven’t read a good horror novel this year, then now is the time to check one out! We have compiled 5 of the best scary thrillers in recent times and you are sure to find a good read in this short-list. And when it comes to the horror fiction genre, there are many more authors than King and Koontz! Let us know in the comments below if we missed a scarier one!
Many books have been written about war and the most powerful ones are anti-war in nature. Chiefly, because the author was either in war himself, or was witness to the carnage first-hand. Whether or not a book is an actual anti-war novel is not often clear, as the authors don’t usually assign such a label. Nonetheless, it is hard to imagine the graphic detail many of these books possess from being anything but—whether on purpose or not. You can decide for yourself.
Steven Pressfield gained mass attention when he wrote the best-selling masterpiece Gates of Fire, but he is a prolific author and has many more—and some arguably better—works than his novel about the Spartans at Thermopylae. I would argue that he is one of the best historic fiction authors of all times. If you only read Gates of Fire or haven’t read anything by him at all, then consider one of his many great books. Here is the short-list of his very best works.
Coming of age novels are great to read while young, but they are equally pleasant to read while an adult. I recently re-read some of my favorite novels from my more formative years and can say that most of the are just as good today as they were 20-plus years ago. And reading them as an adult gives a much different perspective than reading them as a young gun.
Apocalypse Books
Science Fiction
Motivation can be fleeting and difficult to maintain. It is pretty easy to stat--for a few days--but it is often fleeting. The goal is to turn motivation into drive and make it a habit that you live by, every day. Here is a great book to help you find your motivation and to turn it into a daily habit.
The art of meditation and mindfulness is a concept that has been around for thousands of years. It is rooted in living in the present and focusing on the here and now. There are many great approaches to mindfulness, and you do not need to go full-on monk in order to get started.
Everyone has room for improvement in their lives. Whether you are at rock bottom and looking to bounce back, or already on top of the world and want to become more efficient, there is a self-help book out there for you. Here is the best one this summer:
If you are the strong, quiet type of Romantic Novel reader, then this may be a good one for you—and we are pretty sure you’ve never heard of it before. The perfect romance adventure for the secret, naughty librarian-type!
When it comes to finding cheap AND good romance novels, we have you covered. We have scoured the best reviewed romance books that are currently being offered for .99 cents! These books are best read on some sort of device that has the kindle reading app installed. Without further adieu, here is the short-list of the best-rated romance novels that money can buy. If we left one out, be sure to let us know in the comments below.
When it comes to the Romance genre, there is something for everyone. One of the most bizarre Romance sub-genres I have come across is the Bigfoot Erotica novels. For good reason, these books are not widely known, and they certainly won’t be making the New York Times Bestseller list anytime soon, but for the avid Romance junkie, they offer a new, interesting twist on the genre. So if you are looking to try something new, then here is the Bigfoot romance novel.
We all love period romance stories. There is something about the old-fashioned way of life that seems to be the perfect setting for a good romantic plot. When men were strong and stoic and the women strong and willful. Here is the hottest period romance novel of 2018, so far…
Goodbye Netflix and hello romance novel! Snuggle up with a glass of wine and one of these great reads and see what modern romance is all about…Every bit as addictive and entertaining as any TV episode. The only constraint is how far your mind is willing to wander…
When it comes to addictive romance novels, there have been a few greats over the years, but the Owned series is definitely a cut-above the rest. If you have been looking for an alternative to Netflix and TV dramas, then pick up a good book and get reading. A must read for all romance novel lovers. Check out Book 1 in this series. You will be hooked.
Young Adult Fiction
Looking for a great YA fiction novel? Don’t let the best Young Adult Fiction Books of 2018 pass you by. Check out this scary YA novel in this ever-changing book genre. If we left a good one out, let us know in the comment section below!
Since the Young Adult Genre has gained traction, there have been hundreds of authors trying to make a name for themselves. But with so many great authors writing Young Adult Fiction, it is easy for some excellent books to fall through the cracks. Don’t worry—we have put in the work and done the reading and can separate the wheat from the chaff. Here is one of the best rated Young Adult Fiction novels that you may have missed in recent years.
We are all drawn to a good dystopian book, and with the recent advent of the Young Adult Fiction realm, we now have access to great dystopian books that are shorter and easier to read than some of the classic dystopian novels. These YA books combine the elements we love in storytelling and put them into an easily digestible format that allows for pleasure reading that doesn’t feel like a homework assignment. And sometimes that’s just what we need.
We all love the easy-reading Young Adult novel. With so many new titles coming out in the last few years, it is hard to keep up with the next best books. We have scoured the marketplace and read many of the latest books from both established and up-and-coming authors in the YA universe. Here are the two best rated Military Thriller Young Adult novels to hit the market so far in 2018. Enjoy!
If you are looking for a good suspense or thriller novel, then you have come to the right spot. With so many good works out there, you could spend more time looking for a good book than it would take to read one! We took a bit of the work out of it for you. Here is one of the best-rated thriller/suspense novels to read in 2018.
Here is the short-list of the very best thriller novels of 2018—so far. From psychological thrillers to legal suspense, we have you covered with these great books all released in 2018.
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