The Two Best Young Adult Military Thrillers

We all love the easy-reading Young Adult novel. With so many new titles coming out in the last few years, it is hard to keep up with the next best books. We have scoured the marketplace and read many of the latest books from both established and up-and-coming authors in the YA universe. Here are the two best rated Military Thriller Young Adult novels to hit the market so far in 2018. Enjoy!

Battlefield High

Lora is an elite Soldier engaged in America’s new civil war. There is a new time-travel weapon that is being developed and Kora and her squad must destroy it.

As they do, she is instantly killed. But she wakes up. Not in heaven or hell…but back in her teenage body, from when she was in High School.

But she can’t remember her High School days, they have been wiped from her memory.

Now she must navigate this new battlefield which at times can be harsher and more mean than the real battlefield she was killed in. She must find out why she was sent back in time and by whom.

Along the way, she meets another teenager that is in the same predicament as she is. But she’s not sure if she can trust him, or if he is even being 100% truthful with how much he knows.

This book is a lot of fun and is an original twist on the YA military thriller. It adds in a dash of teen romance for good measure!


Wyatt just got busted for a crime he didn’t commit. And he is going to prison. A teenage felon. Just his luck.

But While he is in jail, he is visited by a government agent that offers him a wild proposal:

Get out of jail now and spend 3 months at a secret government training facility in exchange for the 10 year jail sentence.

Seems like a no-brainer, so Wyatt accepts.

He is then sent to Camp Valor, a training camp of teenage misfits that have been sent to jail. Clearly a group that does not play buy the rules. The goal is to put these kids through the toughest military training the US government has to offer to see if they can be elite soldiers.

If they can survive the 3 months of training, then they will have a new life as a Soldier.

But America’s enemies are onto this ultra-secret project. Soon, Wyatt and his fellow trainees are forced to leave training early and hit the field of battle.

This is a fun and fast-paced YA novel that is very original and sure to be a great series moving forward. It will hopefully be made into a move too!