If You Only Read One Herman Hesse Novel: Read Demian

Hermann Hesse is one of the greatest German writers. His writing is highly regarded for man’s search of spirituality and self-awareness. He won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1946. If you have yet to read one of Hesse’s novels, then it is well worth your time to explore his works. Not only are the insights very well thought out, but the storytelling and prose are superb. Here is the one novel to read if you only read one Herman Hesse book.


*Booktard Staff Favorite

When you think of Herman Hesse’ novels, you generally think of Siddhartha or Steppenwolf. Which is odd to me, because Demian is a much better novel, all-around, than either of those.

I would go far as to say it is ne of the best Coming of Age novels ever written. Certainly up there with The Outsiders, Catcher in the Rye, and Ham on Rye, for that matter!

Many of Hesse’ writings involved the far east, where he seemed to get a lot of inspiration. Specifically, from Indian and Buddhist philosophies.

And this really makes itself apparent in Demian. One of the main emphasis in the novel is the duality of all things: man, spiritualism, philosophy; and how both are necessary as equal and opposing forces.

It also seems to reference the ancient practice of Gnosticism, which may have been influenced by the works of Carl Jung, the founder of analytical psychology.

Nonetheless, the end result is a novel that is very intriguing and relatable by any curious reader. The main theme is between the protagonist and his mysterious friend—and sometime savior—Max Demian, who is arguably a mentor that helps Sinclair, the main character, achieve spiritual self-realization.

Despite having a lot of spiritual and philosophical undertones, the novel itself is very well written and very entertaining. In fact, it is so well written that it tends to transcend time; If one read it today, it would be very easy to confuse it for a very contemporary work.

The fact that is was published in 1919 is a it shocking, as it does not read like a book almost a century old.

So if you are looking to read just one book by Nobel Laureate Herman Hesse, then I think there is a good argument to be made that Demian is his most enduring and readable novel.

And of course, if you have already read Herman Hesse novels, then you may want to give Demian a read, as it is more entertaining and readable than some of his other books.