Best Novel By a Suicidal Author

This should be more aptly called Best Suicidal Novelist Not Named Ernest Hemingway, as we left out the most notorious suicidal novelist on purpose--we wanted to spread the recognition a little bit. Nonetheless, there have been many brilliant novels written by troubled and depressed authors. It is especially poignant to read a novel and to know it was written by an author that ultimately took his/her own life. Here is the best novels written by suicidal authors.

RUM DIARY: A novel by Hunter S. Thompson

When most of think of Hunter Thompson, we think of Fear & Loathing, Campaign Trail, Hell’s Angels and Gonzo Journalism. We don’t think of a novelist.

In fact, until I came across this book in a used book store, I had no idea that Thompson had even written a novel. It is largely autobiographical, and takes place in Puerto Rico.

The narrator is a young journalist that moves to San Juan on a whim and gets a job at the English newspaper there. The plot involves corruption, political intrigue, a sexy woman and some drunken shenanigans—everything you’d expect in a novel written by Hunter Thompson.

After Thompson committed suicide by self-inflicted gunshot wound, I re-read this novel. It really shed some light on this man’s youthful perspective and I found it very intriguing.

I have read many novels by suicidal authors, but I do not believe I have read a novel by a suicidal author that was alive in my lifetime, well-know, and then took his life.

To read a book by a suicidal author that was once alive in your lifetime is a bit disturbing, but especially insightful if you were a fan of the author while alive.

Rum Diary is a must-read for all Thompson fans, and is the best novel by a suicidal author—at least by a suicidal author not named Ernest Hemingway!

Happy reading!