The Best Zombie Apocalypse Book Series

The Arisen Series

I have always been a bit skeptical when it comes to reading Zombie book series. I feel that the authors string along a weak plot into multiple books in order to keep readers buying book after book. Usually, this strategy has very short books with bad writing.

With hat being said there are some excellent zombie trilogies in the fiction genre, and thee are also some extended zombie series that are written like Bestselling Authors.

The Arisen Series by Michael Fuchs is one of those. It has some of the most realistic action and he has really done his homework when it comes to the science of the zombie infection, as well as his general military knowledge.

Currently, he has 12 books out in the Arisen Zombie Apocalypse series, and I have read the first 10.  The books actually get better as the series goes on, which is usually the opposite of what you find in similar extended zombie apocalypse fiction series.

Below are the excerpts from the first three books to give you an idea of what the storyline is about.



Book One - Fortress Britain

After humanity has fell to the zombie plague, the only inhabitable location is the island nation of Great Britain.

When it happened, it happened fast, and an American Special Operations Team of Tier-1 Operators,that was preparing to take part in an joint raid with the Brits, are trapped on the island. Unable to return home.

So the Tier-1 operators begin making raids into continental Europe to help them find medicine, supplies—and a cure.

When they get word that the CDC in the US had been working on a cure before the US fell, the team of operators are tasked with the impossible mission of taking the world’s last aircraft carrier to the US and insert into a city of 3 million undead and try and locate the research of a scientist that may or may not still be alive. All to find a cure and restore humanity to earth.

Very entertaining zombie apocalypse novel that is hand-down the best series in the genre, currently. Even better than the Day by Day Armageddon series. A must read for ant zombie apocalypse fan.

Book Two - Mogadishu of the Dead

Book 2 of the series picks-up where the previous book left off.

The Tier-1 operators have been inserted into the US. To track down the cure. The only thing in their way…3 million undead.

They fight their way through the city and try and locate their target. But things quickly go south as they move through the city. One block at a time.



Alpha Team has escaped the plagued city they were in trying to find the cure. Now they are trapped on Lake Michigan and must get extracted.

But the US carrier that dropped them off on the continent is having its own problems: they have run ashore and are attempting repairs before a mob of zombies a million+ in strength collides with their location.

And somehow, they know where the carrier is stuck and are headed its way.

Back in Fortress Britain, the collapsed Chunnel Tunnel has been breached, and humanity’s last bastion of refuge is at jeopardy of falling to the undead.

Best Melee Weapon for the Zombie Apocalypse 

There are some basic tools a man should have around… yet for some reason, a hefty hammer and a solid pry bar are for some reason often overlooked.

This bad boy would make for a pretty decent melee weapon in the zombie apocalypse. Although a bit shorter than a baseball bat or sword, it would be very effective at caving-in zombie skulls. However, you would have to get in-close and personal with them. So make sure you have the proper protective garment to prevent zombie bites. 

Best Zombie Apocalypse melee weapon.png

The Best Zombie Apocalypse Bug-Out Vehicles